February 5, 2016
Whew, we've been very busy here in the TAG classroom!
First and second grade is off tomorrow (Saturday), to learn how to do acrobats in the air!!!! This is a culminating activity for our CIIRCUS unit - I wrote a grant for us to be able to go to this program. We are all so excited to do this, and YES, even I will try it out!!!!!!!
Third grade has been chosen to create a HERO HALL of FAME (wink, wink). They have been researching an inventor/hero and will present and persuade the Hero Hall of Fame Committee to choose their hero for a new addition to their exhibit! Will keep you posted!
Fourth grade has marched into the American Revolution! They are gearing up to create an IMOVIE in chronological order, to be presented to their parents. Can you tell us what the Beatles and the American Revolution have in common?!?!??!? My kids can - just ask them!
Fifth grade - wow, we are still awaiting results from the interactive Stock Market Game played by students in TAG 5th grade , middle and high schoolers throughout our state. Thank you to all who helped make our TAG SIDEWALK SALE so successful! The money we raised is helping fund out trip to TYBEE.
We are gearing up of our annual trip to TYBEE Georgia, February 24 - 26, 2106! Can you say BURRRRR!!!!!!!!
We have learned all our coastal region in Georgia and are debating as to whether we need to slow down growth or keep up the growth - what impact does it have on the region - plants, animals, environment, and people. A very hot topic in class!
If you have anytime, allow your kids to play on CODE.ORG. I was at a conference, and theya re predicting that by the year 202, there will be a million jobs in computer programming and not enough folks to fulfill the vacancies! Can you say chiching!!!!$$$$$!!!!!
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